Olly Day 1 of 25 (sleep study with pills...)

2 years ago

How well did you sleep last night?
1. Did you have trouble getting to bed?
2. Trouble falling asleep?
3. Interrupted sleep?
4. Issues staying asleep for longer than 3 - 5 hours in one segment?
5. Difficultly waking up?
6. Issues with your energy levels for the next 18 hours before your next sleep cycle?
7. Brain fog all day until you reach for the cup of caffeine...?
Yes, I have struggled with sleep issues, all of the above, in fact since 2013 and more so in 2015 and I'm sick and tired of not getting that long-awaited "GOOD NIGHT'S Rest." Ergo, I am trying a 25 Night study with these OLLY gummy pills I purchased from Walmart last night. I tried them last year and I thought they functioned well with my body and mind. And now, round two with some documentation. Come along on this fun journey and quest for better sleep.

Peter Herget

Pietro Herget
The Man with Two Watches
Gadgets Anonymous Founder, President, and C.E.O.


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