20220309 - Liberty Minute

3 years ago

I'm Peter Serefine and this is the Liberty Minute for Wednesday, day 725 of "15 days to flatten the curve."
Resident Biden has finally announced a ban on Russian oil imports into the United States.
When asked about gas prices while in Texas yesterday, Biden said, "They are going to go up", and "There isn't much that can be done about it", and "It's Russia's fault"
Just more lies from Traitor Joe.
Oil was already $90 a barrel BEFORE the Russia-Ukraine situation, so it is not Russia's fault.
What can be done about it? The president of the U.S. Oil and Gas Association had a straightforward response, “Cut the crap and approve our permits.”
The progressive's green energy policies causing high gas prices will not make me buy an electric car. A better electric car is the only way to get me to buy an electric car.
Until tomorrow, si vis pacem, para bellum.

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