Standing On The Rock

3 years ago

How does this age old saying “standing on the rock” work out in our reality, on this day? We sing the old hymn: On Christ the solid rock I stand… all other things are sinking sand… To me a solid rock is unmoved. I stood on a sea wall Getty today, made of solid rock, and even though the waves and cross current of the inlet were pounding it, I knew it wouldn’t be moved, I knew where I was standing was safe, it was going to hold me, it wouldn’t crumble and throw me into the sea to fend the current for myself. I can look back on my life in all the good and bad times and see a steady ROCK foundation that has not been moved by the weight of my life situations. Jesus is my Rock and I anchor my life to Him, it is an anchor that holds. It feels like the whole world is violently shaking in times such as these, where our cultures are in a chaotic flux. But one thing remains and is steady, reliable, unshakeable and true. Jesus, the Living Word, is our Rock in times such as these. God’s Word stands the tests of time, it stands through and strong in the face of a “cancel God” culture. God’s word changes not with the tides of human emotions, mediatic false frenzy, a deplorable human condition and prevalent deception, cannot even touch it’s staying power, can’t change it up in any way. God’s truth is a veracity of truth that even our unbelief can’t taint. Yes, Jesus is our Rock and in Him, on our foundation of God truth, we will not be moved.
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