Is Reintegrative Therapy for Unwanted Same-Sex Attraction Harmful? Evidence from Pela and Nicolosi

3 years ago

Opponents to professional therapy for unwanted same-sex attraction (what they mislabel "conversion therapy") love to claim that it's harmful. Well, first, compared to what? Therapy in general has a risk of harm (or no benefit), so we must determine if it's just as harmful as or worse than therapy for other issues like depression. Here's an important segment from my interview with Carolyn Pela and Joseph Nicolosi, Jr, about the Pela and Sutton (2021) longitudinal study of 75 men who used Nicolosi's Reintegrative Therapy to explore sexual attraction fluidity. This is the first (and so far, only) study designed to empirically answer if professional therapy for SSA is harmful or effective since it was prospective and used standardized and reliable measurement tools.

#ReintegrativeTherapy #SAFETherapy #SOCE #Misinformation #TherapeuticChoice #Nicolosi #PelaSutton #FollowtheScience #HarmMyth #BanConversionTherapy

Full video:

Reference for Dr. Pela’s study and how to access it:
Pela, Carolyn, & Sutton, Phil. (2021). Sexual attraction fluidity and well-being in men: A therapeutic outcome study. Journal of Human Sexuality, 12, 61-86.
Reintegrative Therapy Association:

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