Putin: Ukrainian Pedophiles Fleeing Ukraine for Neighboring Countries - Real Raw News

2 years ago

Putin: Ukrainian Pedophiles Fleeing Ukraine for Neighboring Countries - Real Raw News
Despotic is the adjective form of the noun despot, which means "tyrannical ruler." If you live under despotic rule, you probably have few rights and may fear your government. Use despotic to describe rulers that rely on brute force (or the threat of it) rather than the rule of law to keep order. Even if you're not the emperor of your own small kingdom, you might be a despotic boss, intimidating your employees. Might you consider switching to benevolence instead?
A ruler who governs with an iron fist, caring little for the welfare of the people, can be called despotic. Dictators and tyrants are often described as despotic.
What does getting pummeled mean?
The best pummelers in the world are probably boxers, as to pummel means to repeatedly beat someone down, especially with fists. The main sense of pummel is physical, but you can use it figuratively when something is taking a beating. During a stock market crash, the economy is being pummeled.

“Krestoyy pokhod za russkuyu pravdu” the Russian Truth Crusade

noun: egress
1. the action of going out of or leaving a place.
"direct means of access and egress for passengers"

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