Tammy Healy & Emily Hernandez - "Reclaim Your Birthright As An American"

2 years ago

Quantum Nurse www.quantumnurse.life presents on

Monday, March 8, 2022 @ 3:00 PM EST 8:00 PM UK

Guests: Tammy Healy and Emily Hernandez

Topic: Reclaim Your Birthright As An American


Brief Bio:
Tammy Healy
Tammy Healy is a mother of four and wife for over 18 yrs. She began her journey as a freedom fighter and truth seeker after an adverse reaction from a flu vaccine during her first pregnancy. From that experience, she became a strong activist for medical freedom by attending many protests, corresponding with legislators and helping candidates with their campaigns who supported medical freedom. After the 2020 elections she embarked on an incredible journey of discovery which lead her to the truth she will be presenting with Emily today.

Emily Hernandez
My name is Emily Hernandez and I am a declared American on the land and soil. I am also The New Jersey Assembly Coordinator on the land and soil jurisdiction and a RN in a small community hospital for 23 years. My lifelong goal is to help return our lawful American government of We the People as it was set up by the Founding Fathers after the War of Independence.

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