3 years ago

Finally, Robert Spencer's highly anticipated newly revised edition from his masterpiece of 2012 entitled 'Did Muhammad Exist?'!

We have all been waiting for 9 years for this 2021 updated and enlarged work (it's 25% larger than his former book) which includes the newest research on the subject concerning whether there ever was the Muhammad of Islam in the 7th century.

But Robert has gone beyond what he did earlier and is also asking whether there ever was a city called Mecca, or even a Qur'an similar to what we have today in the 7th century as well.

This book should be on everyone's bookshelf, as it is foundational for understanding where we are going with the research on the Origin's of Islam.

While many well known academics have already found and therefore know much of what Robert is saying here, very few of them have been brave enough to actually go public with what they have discovered, or dared to publish it, out of fear of possibly being forced to leave their academic institutions, to say nothing of being branded 'hate preachers' or 'Islamophobes' by the Muslims and their supporters.

Robert has none of these fears, and so has done all of us a great favour by gleaning the results of their research, coalescing it into one book, and making it understandable to those of us who just don't have the time or ability to find it for ourselves.

But in order to benefit from Robert's amazing research, go out and buy the book, read it, and then comment below in the comment section.

Both Robert and I will be reading your comments and will most likely take the best ones out there and do subsequent Q&A sessions to answer those questions we deem are engaging seriously with the material he has written.

I hope you enjoy this book as much as I have...so much so that you will find a forward written by me towards the beginning of the book as well.

You can buy it on Amazon for $25.20 here: https://www.amazon.com/Did-Muhammad-E...

© Pfander Centre for Apologetics - US, 2021
(54,620) Music: 'Reaching the sky', by Alexander Nakarada, from filmmusic-io

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