One of the Best Audio Systems I've Heard - YG and Aavik Amplifiers - Part 1 Clearaudio TT Setup

3 years ago

In this video, I revisit a room I highlighted in the past featuring the YG Sonja 2.3 Speakers and Aavik Amplifiers with the Vitus CDP/DAC.

It's still one of the best audio systems I've ever heard in a home, but now he's adding a Clearaudio Innovation Turntable from 3mA Audio.

It's doubly impressive in that it provides such an amazing sound in a small room, which highlights the great room treatments and setup.

This clip features the setup of the turntable by Karl at 3mA Audio using the Wally Tools. There are some great insights and issues uncovered that may be helpful to those with turntables. We even have some interaction with JR at Wally Tools during and after this video which will provide even more great content in the near future.

Part 2 will feature music clips and, even through a cell phone mic, I think you will be able to appreciate the sound quality.

Kudos to YG Sonja 2.3 Speakers, Aavik Amplifiers, Vitus DAC, and the Clearaudio Turntable for providing a system everyone was "wowed" by as you will see in this video.

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