The Red Dead Community Ran out of Clown Make up & Need Gold Bars to buy more [#SaveRDO]

2 years ago

Apparently there's a protest against Rockstars to put actual effort and support into Red Dead Online. And it isn't the first. The first protest was paying in game currency for clown make up and playing the game. What was that suppose to do again? And now their new method is to complain to Rockstars with a #. Probably while still playing the game. And I bet they're still buying gold bars too. Probably for more clown make up. They're gonna need it for their circus.

Note: This is a month old video that I did on the topic when it was hot news. But me making videos on time on a topic when it's hot is a rare thing for me. I will typically talk about topics later on when they die down. Usually cause I'm late. So this will get you use to it. Plus, I still have my own thoughts to give. I appreciate your time if you take the time to hear them.

Background Gameplay: Call of Duty Mobile- Mode: Blackout

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