One of the Best Audio Systems I've Heard - YG Sonja speakers, Aavik Amplifiers - Part 2 Music Clips

3 years ago

In this video, I continue the series highlight one of the best audio systems I've ever heard in a home (and anywhere). It's doubly impressive in that it provides such an amazing sound in a small room, which highlights the great room treatments and setup.

This clip features some music clips that excel on this system, but almost any type of music will sound exceptional. Some systems may have more dynamics and volume potential, but balance of detail and smooth inviting sound is hard to match with this gear and room.

Kudos to YG 2.3 Sonja Speakers, Aavik Amplifiers, Vitus DAC, and the Clearaudio Turntable for providing a system everyone was "wowed" by as you will see in this video.

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