Barbara Gaughen-Muller March is Woman's History Month

2 years ago

Today, March 8th, we celebrate International Woman’s DAY and our guest today is Barbara Gaughen Muller.

Her life started in peace when her Hungarian grandfather, who immigrated from Hungary to avoid the war,

told her she was going to be a peacemaker. Peace is her passion and life’s work FOR OVER 50 YEARS.

She invented the PEACE Corner, so that every home and school has a place for peace.

Barbara is the creator and host of the popular with over 80 interviews

by world peace leaders on her website and APP. She is the publisher of the Peace Community Magazine.

She is the President of the United Nations Association - So Cal Region, UNASB.ORG

co-founder and past President of the Rotary eClub of World Peace,

as well as the president-elect of the Rotary Action Group for Peace, serving 35,000 Rotary Clubs.

She is a popular public speaker on peace and received the Spirit of the UN Award, after her speech for the 70th anniversary of the UN.

Her late husband was Dr. Robert Muller, a former Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations,

and co-founder and first chancellor of the University for Peace, located in Costa Rica.

They traveled and worked together for peace around the world, co-created 7500 Ideas for a Better World which are shared on Barbara also co-authored Revolutionary Conversations: The Tools You Need for the Success You Want.

March is Woman’s History Month and one of her favorite women, Eleanor Roosevelt, was a UN Ambassador, appointed by Harry Truman.

Working with the UN they created The Universal Declaration of Human Rights,

which every person is entitled too because they are human.

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