The toxic conversational texter. Exposing the narcissist through non verbal communication

2 years ago

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With the narcissist, appearances can be deceiving as they are meant to be deceiving. While many toxic people hide behind social status, money and influence, they also hide behind your emotion and the words that you speak.

This video will help you to see that there is a beauty behind words that makes TEXTING so alluring and fun. However for the individual who lurks behind closed doors of the heart, the words you say and the words they say in text are never equal.

Here are some tips to help you understand how the narcissists hooks you and baits you with words to form a bond with you that is seemingly close like a relationship but in reality is only as close as a textingship.

Talk is cheap the the narcissist cheapens your words by magnifying theirs with the things that they say in texts. The toxic texter uses words to hide behind as they lie and magnify themselves in front of you as toxic texting allows them to have your undivided attention.

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