Retirement Accounts: How to TAKE INCOME from your Roth IRA (Stage 5)

2 years ago

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"Can I Take Money Out of my Roth IRA Right Now if I Need It?", "How Much Income Can I Take From my Roth IRA if I Contribute to it My Whole Life?", "How Are My Distributions Taxed When I Do Need My Money?"

These are some of the most common questions we hear about taking income from your Roth IRA. A Roth IRA can be a great investment vehicle, but be cautious about taking income before the proper date, or you could suffer penalties and immediate taxes.

Scott McLaine, BrightWealth Host and Academy Instructor answers all you questions in this short video lesson on taking income from your own Roth IRA.

* "Can I Take Money Out of my Roth IRA Right Now if I Need It?"
* "How Much Income Can I Take From my Roth IRA if I Contribute to it My Whole Life?"
* "How Are My Distributions Taxed When I Do Need My Money?"

When you first open your Roth IRA, it doesn't have any money in it. It's just a blank investment vehicle. You need to put money into it. And then, ultimately invest that money.

In this video, we take a quick look at Stage 5: Taking INCOME From Your Roth IRA. As with all investment options, there are pros and cons to the Roth IRA. Please use this video as education content only.

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Nothing in this video should be considered as personal advise for you specifically. You should consult with your financial advisor before making any investment related decisions.

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