A cat has sharp claws and teeth. Cats spend a lot of time licking their fur.

2 years ago

A cat is a small, furry animal that likes to chase mice and sleep. In ancient Egypt, they were considered sacred. Cats have been domesticated for around 4000 years. If a cat is frightened, it will raise its fur and hiss at the object of its fear. A cat is smaller than a tiger or a lion; however, it can still be vicious if cornered.

The female cat is called a queen or a molly; the male cat is called a tom. A young cat is called a kitten until it reaches sexual maturity, when it becomes known as either a tom or queen. Cats are extremely agile and intelligent creatures, capable of learning many tricks. They are also very acrobatic, able to jump several feet into the air from a standing position. They are also one of the few species able to hold their head upside down while walking though this seems to be something they do only while playing with humans.

Cats have poor eyesight but excellent hearing and sense of smell. They have little tolerance for frustration and will quickly become bored with repetitive games and leave in search of something more interesting to do if prevented from doing so on their own accord.[

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