Young People Understand How Economic Lies Have Screwed Their Generation

2 years ago

Millennials and Gen-Z take a lot of flack for being whiny and entitled. Yet, their childhood and even adulthood as been marred with crisis after crisis, and they've learned a lot from them.

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Image Credit, AllaSerebrina
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John: Not only do we get to work with some incredible actors who are younger than us. Who come from different backgrounds than us. Ronald Pete as Tucker, who's sort of our Q who provides us with all our gadgets. Obeihi Janus who plays heather who becomes our pal. Anna Akana who's this incredible musician and actor who's kind of the biggest star of the show. Because you don't know because she's on Instagram and just destroying it there. You know that was really great but the best part was that all the teens quote unquote in the show are better at being grown-ups than we are. which I think is something that I've felt as a as a 50-year-old sort of dealing with the people who are in their 20s and 30s and in my circle in a lot of ways I've often felt like oh you're you're better at being a grown-up than i am.
Sam: I feel that too that this generation is just much more prepared for like their the level of emotional intelligence of people that age just seems to be significantly more than of our generation.
John: And the privilege of their own sort of happiness and life mission and tuning into what they want to do. because face it they're in a world where they know very distinctly no one's going to help you. there no one you are, you are effed. There all structures that were designed to help people who look like us of our generation are not helping them. So it's like why would they why wouldn't they become self-fulfilled people because there's nothing else. Like you can't find meaning in a job.

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