Gutless Chris Christie Subtweets Trump About Putin

2 years ago

Chris Christie is acting tough on Twitter by supposedly calling Trump out for his support of Putin. However, Christie never mentions Trump by name, proving he's still afraid of the backlash he'd receive from the MAGA crowd.

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Emma: I just want to pull this up really quickly because I referenced it earlier. and we're talking about you know I don't know how the Republicans are responding to their initial like trump leading the party in the direction of let's be pro Putin. Then having to backtrack from that. Do you have this chris christie tweet that you can put up here? This is just interesting to me and I wanted to bring this up today. but I forgot to put it in the sheet. So this is Chris Christie passive-aggressively subtweeting Trump here. Did you see this sam?
Sam: How could anyone with any understanding of the world call Putin's decision to invade Ukraine genius and very savvy? As we watch him unite the rest of the world against Russia in nearly an instant.
Emma: And then down below Putin has two choices now an unwinnable occupation of Ukraine after leveling the country and murdering its hero president. If that is even achievable. or a humiliating retreat. Yeah, that's genius and very savvy all right no walking that back. History is watching. So he's such a like I can't say the p-word. He's such a coward. That he won't say Trump's name there. so he's subtweeting him right? Yeah, dude that's not gonna get it done in the republican primary right? Like we were talking a few months ago about how he was, you know, is he waiting in the wings to see if Trump's going to do it? Because he doesn't want to actually target him he doesn't want to actually critique him. He wants to walk a fine. Line that voters are not going to respond to that you either go hard or you go home. It's like such [ __ ] footing it's so pathetic. I'm sorry.

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