Alderperson Nate Wolff's (District 12) Invocation At 03/02/2022 Common Council Meeting

2 years ago

Mayor Woodford: Tonight's invocation will be delivered by Alderperson Wolff.

Alderperson Wolff (District 12): Thank you. First, I would like to say a moment—or have a moment of silence for those who have lost their life at war and are in current battle as we speak.

Thank you. Over the past week, Russia has invaded Ukraine in what has to be one of the most disrespectful ways to do it imaginably. They have killed civilians, children without disre—with no disregard for civilian life.

Putin has a long history of imprisoning people who protest or speak out against him. He has continued to shut down any form of democ—or tried to shut down any form of democracy because his country has been so bad for his people.

Meanwhile, across the border from Russia, you have a Ukrainian president, Zelensky, who has liberated his people, brought them freedom, given them rights, a voice, and made them love living free.

In America we always speak up for freedom. We always defend it, and we should be inspired by the people of Ukraine. What they have done and how they continue to fight every inch for their homeland is inspiring and is remarkable.

Something you can do to support Ukraine is to wear their colors, fly their flag on local businesses, and show that you're supporting Ukraine.

I want to end with something that happened in Ukraine. This grandmother approached some soldiers and she asked them what they were doing here. She asked them why they were here. She told them to leave, and she said to one of the soldiers—she told him to take some sunflower seeds and put them in his pocket so that when he died sunflowers would grow on Ukraine soil. That was the nice version of what was said.

So, I also encourage people this spring to grow sunflowers, 'cause they're amazing and beautiful. Thank you.

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