Build a Shed - Ramps and Landings - Video 15/17

2 years ago

To get the lawnmower and four wheeler into the shed I need a ramp with landing. In this video I make the ramp out of pressure treated 2x8s. This ramp allows the lawnmower and the atv to drive right up into the shed.

To get started I install a ledger board to the side of the shed. From here I use joist hangers to hold up 2x8 lumber. I make a frame that is 4 foot out from the building. This allows me to use a full sheet of plywood. The end of the landing away from the shed is supported with 4x4's sunk into the ground below the frost line. Next I install more joist hangers so the ramp boards can rest against the landing. I rip down 2x8's so they taper to a point. These are installed on top of paver stones so the lumber is not touching the ground. Lastly I install sheets of plywood on the frame and screw it down.

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