Killer Ant Swarm Butchers Lone Scorpion

2 years ago

Killer Ant Swarm Butchers Lone Scorpion | Superswarm | BBC Earth
Apr 30, 2021
BBC Earth
10.9M subscribers
Driver ants have a gruesome reputation for killing everything in their path, from defenseless worms to a full-size scorpion. Subscribe:

“The fiercest serpent may be overcome by a swarm of ants.” - Isoroku Yamamoto, the Admiral who bombed Pearl Harbor. [PHOTO SOURCE:]

Statement in opposition of the planned construction of the Yamato class battleships, as quoted in Scraps of paper: the disarmament treaties between the world wars (1989) by Harlow A. Hyde. In this statement, Yamamoto implies that even the most powerful battleships can be sunk by a huge swarm of carrier planes. This remark also proved prophetic as both Yamato and Musashi would be sunk by overwhelming air attacks.

There is always strength in numbers. The more individuals or organizations that you can rally to your cause, the better. - Mark Shields

Unity is strength... when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved. - Mattie Stepanek

The serpent refers to the government while the swarm of ants refer to us. Truth is we (the ants) need to unite together and overwhelm the government (serpent). Some countries have done that and it works! Take the country, Georgia (Not the American State but the ex-soviet country) for example, many people protested against the government and the government gets sacred

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