90 Seconds to Shock - Excerpt from Tennessee House Health Subcommitte Hearing

2 years ago

Pay close attention to the man on the right. Although the man on the left discusses more specifics about negative health statistics that have been coming out, the man on the right puts everything into perspective and there is no getting more blunter than the way he lays out the cold hard facts without mincing any words.

Please watch this 90 second video at least 3 times to let the information sink in watch a few more times if you need to.

This scene is being repeated in hearings all over the west. To some politicians they are only conducting these hearings so that they can go through the motions and pretend that they are doing their bit for the cause of democracy.

This information has been out in the public domain on the Internet for several months now. Possibly a year or more.

If you have just watched this short 90 second video and have just become aware of what is going on then it is important for you to know that the globalists who crammed these covid 'vaccines' down people's throats and coerced hundreds of millions to billions of people the world over to take them, 1st, 2nd, 1st booster, 2nd booster and on are desperate to avoid a mass, righteous uprising by the public of the west now that this information is starting to flood the Internet that they have 'started' World War III.

They have started World War III in the hopes that they can sucker the youth of the west to go and die fighting Russian and Chinese allied troops to die in their 10s of millions so that they can escape the wrath of the western public who would destroy them for what they've done to their people.

Meanwhile, residents of New Zealand are possibly only months or weeks away from our dangerously precarious oil supply chain being completely shut off from the rest of the world due to New Zealand being at the ass end of the world and having virtually no shipping infrastructure of our own.

Soon, the residents of New Zealand will wish that they could still pay $4 or more a litre for petrol to pump into their vehicle's petrol tanks because soon you can kiss that all goodbye because our political leaders have deliberately sabotaged any means of our maintaining independence with The Marsden Point Oil Refinery as good as shut down permanently now.

The only reason that they may quietly reopen it is so that the CCP can fuel it's war machine. I am not joking as I have heard that that this is quite possible considering that CCP owns practically every politician in parliament today.

Work hard now to prepare and stock up on everything that you're going to need for at least 6 months to a year or more because fuel to power your vehicles will soon run dry and straight ice vehicles will quickly become useless, unless you have no choice but to sleep in one due to homelessness. Diesel vehicle owners will become very desirable people to know because of the availability of biodiesel and diesel derived from refined waste oil.

Hybrid and electric vehicles will soon fail, the hybrids for obvious reasons and the electric because without a consistent supply of fuel, not enough electricity can not be generated to maintain the whole national grid 24/7.

Our supermarkets won't be able to stock enough food to keep up with daily demand, in part because the fuel supply will start to run dry and also because Russia now controls the grain supply of both The Ukraine and Russia itself which is a massive chunk of the global grains supplies.
The 2 big South American wheat producing countries are going through a severe drought. Australia can only supply so much of the world's grains needs and now US grains growers/farmers are going to soon be very much in demand and vital to the American economy. The will become extremely rich.

We may soon end up wishing that we could have bread to pay $5 or more a loaf for.
The New Zealand economy is going to be smashed very soon so put as much of your energy as you can into preparing for months to a year or more with supplies. There are so many possibly distractions to hinder us from being prepared.

Choose what you prioritize to focus your energy on so that you can be as prepared as possible.

And please remember what the man on the right in this video said because it is one of the big reasons, if not the reason that World War III has already started.

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