The Great White Throne Judgment - John S. Torell

3 years ago

This time of judgment will be the most awful segment of human history. While God is not willing that any man should perish, no grace is extended for those who died in their sins and refused to make Jesus their Lord and Savior. Everyone sits in a gallery and one by one humanity comes before Jesus and a detailed video of their life is shown. Some are famous, most are not, but their rejection of Christ is the one thing they have in common.

No one in a resurrected body ages and therefore it doesn’t matter that this process goes on for hundreds of millions of years. Every mystery, murder, scheme, lie, and hidden deed is made public. When it finally comes to the time of those who lived during the thousand-year kingdom, the people who accepted Christ are judged and return to their seats in the gallery.

The vast majority of mankind is banished to the Lake of Fire because their names have been blotted from the Book of Life and their screams of anguish echo in the courtroom as they are led away.

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