Frequency Wars: Microscopic Warfare

2 years ago

PSYOPS have been used by covert governmental agencies around the world to deceive, manipulate and shift many narratives. Just take a look at them now; these actions are at an all-time high. And boy, what a shift from mainstream media covering the court order release of jab side effects to the PSYOP war in Ukraine.

Coincidence? We are past coincidences at this point; wouldn’t you agree?

So, what are the side effects of the jab that have plagued the public? Do we even have an accurate account of the injuries and worse? Joining us is Sasha Latypova from Team Enigma who will be breaking down just that.


#frequencywars #microscopicwarfare #teamenigma #sashalatypova #psyops #ukraine #russia #coincidence #shiftthenarrative #sideeffects #injuries #vaccinesafetyadvocate #healthfreedom #openyoureyes #openyourmind #uimedianetwork #united #unity

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