"Be Thou My Vision" O God in Heaven.

2 years ago

Those fighting for freedom against Covid Mandates vaccinated or unvaccinated should know that Heaven or Hell eternal awaits you on the otherside of this earthly fight.

If we know NOT God then ultimately the Wrath of God abides on us. In this Life and the Next.

When we all stand before almighty God.

When we individually Die.

Will we be pardoned of all our wrong doing (Sin) and enter Glorious LIFE Eternal?

Or pass into Hell everlasting FEARFUL JUDGMENT, chains and torment, pronounced as GUILTY.

Unredeemed. Unforgiven. Damned.
By our own selfish free will choice and rebellion or willful ignorance.

None of US are GOOD save God the Father says the KJB.

We have all fallen short of Gods glory.

We are ALL transgresses of his Ten Commandments. SINNERS. Born with a Sin Nature.

His Holy Righteous laws are how God the Father sees Humanity.

Did we trample on Jesus and his sacrifice of Sins forgiven on the cross as a common thing? A thing to despise and curse? Reject? Laugh, Scorn, Mock?

Or did we EXCEPT in Faith his "gift of pardon" from the 2nd death Hell and eternal separation from everything Good that is Heaven and follow him while in the body on earth?

The wages of Sin is death. Hell. Separation.

Today is the valley of Decision. Choose today whom you shall serve.

Choose God and enter his Eternal Kingdom. Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand. No one is promised tomorrow.

Or Lucifer and the way of the world will be your Future.

Hells best kept secret. U tube.

See you on the Otherside..

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