Zen Buddhism - In Search of Self

3 years ago

This is a fly-on-the-wall type documentary made by Gong Jae Sung during the 90-day meditation retreat at the 10th century Baek Hung Nuns' Temple on the Palgong Mountain in Korea during 2001/2.

The documentary very well reflects all the different aspects of the retreat, with long slow contemplative takes on the sitting in the meditation hall, and the regular walking meditation outside.

It also shows the celebrations that are maintained during that period, the regular work around the Nunnery, as well as the games they play and the various trips out they undertake, giving a picture of a well-balanced, but nevertheless intense retreat situation.

The documentary is unusual in having no running commentary and only the occasional subtitle and I think only one short interview, with the Head Nun at the temple. The majority of the time we are just quiet spectators of the retreat.

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