The Three Keys To Unlocking The World, Or Binding It In Shackles 8-26-21

2 years ago

This is an older video that was originally posted on YouTube. I think it's relevant to our current geopolitical and geostrategic situation, so I will post it again here on Rumble.

There are three keys that can unlock the world, and bring freedom and prosperity to your civilization. However through the use of soft power and economics, you can also bind other civilizations to your will. Lets explore the strategic importance of ENERGY, TRANSPORTATION, and COMMUNICATION, and how these three industries dominate and influence all others.

This video is based on a paper I wrote in graduate school, and updated to be more relevant given the advances in internet and social media. I've tried to condense a lot of information to keep this video short. Perhaps I will make future videos expanding on each of the topics covered so I can provide greater detail on my thoughts.

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This video is somewhat tame, so I'll post it, both on YouTube, and on Rumble.

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