Elden Ring Part 6 - Castle Morne second half, Leonine Misbegotten...I end the video unhappy.

3 years ago

Hello, all!

Here is the second half of the Castle Morne! We carefully make our way through the rest of the castle, and fight Leonine at the end! Everything is looking up! And then...the end of the video happens.

Be sure to give the video a like, give me a comment, and hey subscribe if you'd like to see more. If you'd like to see me playing live, then you can, for sure, Sundays at 4pm EST, and Wednesdays 5:30pm EST, on Twitch!


I tend to play randomly throughout the week as well whenever I am able!
You can also find me on Rumble.com as well! Search for Whispers in the Wind and Elden ring, and my videos should come up fairly easily!

Thanks to everyone watching on Twitch, and to bensound.com for the intro and outro music!

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