Sean Stone Ukraine Briefing

2 years ago

Sean Stone meets with Alex Jones to brief us on the Ukraine situation. You'll see clips of the super-villain and self-admitted Nazi collaborator, George Soros bragging about how he plans to turn Russia into the "Soros Empire," just as he did Poland, Ukraine and many other countries by using the same group of NGOs operating under main tax shelter, the the Open Society Foundations. He uses these NGOs to foment Color Revolution and destabilize counties. He did that in Ukraine, and he did that here in the U.S. in 2020 when he funded the BLM/Antifa (Color Revolution) riots that we witnessed throughout America in 2020. Yet, he is never punished for these terroristic operations. Instead, he is glorified and celebrated by the Leftist Occupational government in D.C. who would never have been able to steal the Presidential Election as they did through mail-in ballot fraud had it not been for his help and the the help of the COVID-19 plandemic. You'll also get an update on the Freedom Convoy that's heading to D.C.

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