8. Sheliak (Eight of Wands) SWIFTNESS

2 years ago

8 of Wands: SWIFTNESS (November 23 to December 2)
Astrology Sign: SAGITTARIUS (1rst Decan) Degree 0 - 9
Ruler of Card: MERCURY
Constellation LYRA (The Harp and the Nine MUSES)
Chosen Star: SHELIAK (Means: Lyra)

Positive Attributes: movement, speed, progress, quick decisions, sudden changes, excitement.

Negative Attributes: waiting, slowness, chaos, delays, losing momentum, hastiness, being unprepared.

Lord of Swiftness is a bright active card which comes up to mark periods of rapid, clear communication. This card will often represent the type of cathartic discussion which resolves misunderstanding and ends confusion. When passing through an event which is sign-posted by the 8 of Wands, there's often a feeling of quick-moving energy, and a sense that obstacles are being swept out of your path.

There's an important aspect of this card that is often overlooked - its spiritual interpretation. It can indicate the kind of direct divine instructions that causes a complete transformation - like a bolt of celestial power striking and infusing you. It provokes a sudden opening of the ways, a new level of understanding and spiritual expansion. Look for cards like the Star, The Priestess or the Hierophant close by in order to identify this not-to-be-missed effect!

The image depicted by the Eight of Wands means that the difficulties that were brought by the Seven of Wands are finally over. It signifies a strong level of energy which states that different aspects of your life will be trailblazing. Perhaps important news will be coming on your way, and you may experience a sudden, yet steady positive growth. The Eight of Wands meaning may also pertain to your work. There is a chance that the decision that you are waiting for will come your way soon. You need to be patient and just wait for it.

In certain decks, the Eight of Wands is depicted as eight flying staves that appear as if they are suspended in the air. Some may look at them as wands that are blossoming that are traveling at a maximum speed. The background where they travel through is a clear sky which represents that there is likely nothing that will stand in the way of these making it to their destination. It shows a majestic landscape with a river that is streaming, the water breathing life to the image. The wands also appear like they are about to land, which signals the end of a long journey.

The Tarot Experience is a Project linking Organic and Electronic Music with the Tarot Cards Energies. Iv'e created Image Videos to play along with my Music to connect dots within the wonderful World of Astro-Theology and Syncretism "The Holy Sciences". I have created the full Tarot Deck, 78 Videos/Songs, to help connect dots from the Stars to your Body to the way certain energies may manifests.

The first four albums each contains 14 Songs "1 song per Card for it's respective Suit". This project has four albums:

Ace of Cups: Emotional Body: Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
Ace of Swords: Mental Body: Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
Ace of Disks: Physical Body: Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
Ace of Wands: Spiritual Body: Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

Ace of Swords is more of a Trance Electro House Trip-Hop Techno.
Ace of Cups is an Electro-Guitar "No Distortion" type of Groove.
Ace of Disks is an Electro-Lounge
Ace of Wands is what I call Techno-Rock where I have some Rock Distortion intertwined with Electronic music.

I also have 2 Albums that consists of the Trump Cards (Major Arcana)
Trumps (Vol. I):
0 The Fool (Air)
1 The Magus (Mercury)
2 The High Priestess (Moon)
3 The Empress (Venus)
4 The Emperor (Aries)
5 The Hierophant (Taurus)
6 The Lovers (Gemini)
7 The Chariot (Cancer)
8 Strength (Leo)
9 The Hermit (Virgo)
10 Wheel of Fortune (Jupiter)

Trumps (Vol. II)
11 Justice (Libra)
12 The Hanged Man (Water)
13 Death (Scorpio)
14 Art / Temperance (Sagittarius)
15 The Devil (Capricorn)
16 The Tower (Mars)
17 The Star (Aquarius)
18 The Moon (Moon)
19 The Sun (Sun)
20 Aeon (Fire / Spirit)
21 The Universe (Saturn to Earth)

Let these albums guide you into an out of this world experience and check out The Tarot Experience. May be reached at thetarotexperience2020@gmail.com or at paragon.musik.production@gmail.com

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