Friday Night Game Show Ep 01 - Vet before you Vote!

3 years ago

Who signed the worst gun law bill in the history of the state of Florida?
Who made the following statement? "The people in THAT nieighborhood should feel safe" when campaigning to give the Sheriff more money.
Whose husband profited from the Expressway after she was in office?
Who registered at a Crystal River address, has a house in Floral City being remodeled yet there are no permits pulled for that remodel? Sound familiar?
How about derogatory credit history? Would you want that person in charge of spending tax money?
Who supports gun registration?
Who voted twice using an illegal address committing voter fraud?
Who voted for every tax increase on the agenda in 2021?
Who voted against stormwater, universal garbage and the EMS takeover?
Are you aware of the 14-20 Million dollar increase to your taxes that is coming very soon?
Who said that the boat ramp launch fee could be used to patrol waterways when it was in fact presented as boat ramp repair and maintenace fee to the public?
Who doesn't own a piece of property in Citrus County yet decides how much YOUR taxes will be?

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