Donald Pettit The ASTROnot

3 years ago

#donpettit Don Pettit, perhaps the worst actorNOT of all times, but it's not a coincidence, that's actually NASA's mockery at its best, they know exactly what they are doing, fooling the public and mocking everyone, that's how satan works, it has to mock everybody, in plain sight, otherwise the spell doesn't work, satan must get your consent to the mockery in order to have your soul, but ones you are aware of the trickery, satan can't have you.
#researchflatearth #sciencelies #flatearthtruth #flatearthreality #spaceisfake #satellitesarefake #nasadeception #fakex #fakingspace #globelie #globalconspiracy #propaganda #scientism #fakescience #flatearth #earthisflat #deception #nasalies #nasahoax

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