14 Year † ShockofGod † Challenge a Shocking Success

2 years ago

See results of the 14 year ShockofGod challenge here
BE BLESSED http://www.bitchute.com/shockofGod
Atheists losing in debate here http://debatesonvideo.blogspot.com
Over 14 years ago we began a project that angered atheists all around the world. The ShockofGod challenge. We started calling atheist tv and radio shows challenging them to answer it. The atheist experience show failed and cowered, the atheists of florida show also cowered and were crushed by the challenge. Soon atheists all over youtube like Matt Dillahunty, AronRa, CosmicSkeptic, Godless Engineer, Richard Dawkins, Hitchens (before he croaked), Sam Harris, and even everybody's favorite nut job atheist, the amazing atheist...failed the challenge. Thus ends the longest running youtube challenge in youtube history. We learned that atheism is really a blind faith based view on life and is not backed by any proof or evidence. Trust me ladies and gentlemen....if there were any proof and evidence that atheism were accurate and correct we should have seen some after 14 long years. This ShockofGod challenge has proven that atheism is madness in it's purest form.
Truly the bible is true when it says "A fool says within his heart there is no God". April 1st will forever be the atheists new holiday. For me, I'll take Christmas ;)

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