Motivational Video

3 years ago

A boy once asked his father, “Dad, if three frogs were sitting on a branch that hung over a pool, and one frog decided to jump off into the pool, how many frogs would be left on the branch?”

His dad replied, “Two.”

“No,” the son replied. “There are three frogs and one decides to jump, how many are left?”

His dad replied the second time, “Oh, I get it. If one decides to jump, the others would too. So there are none left.”

The boy replied, “No, dad. The answer is three. The frog only DECIDED to jump.”

How many times have we decided on doing something — on jumping– only to freeze at the ‘edge’ of the very thing because we are so focused on ‘how far drop is’ , or because we fear the ‘fall’. As Lecrae shares in today’s message, the jump is assuredly invigorating and worth it… and God’s got you

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