3 years ago

Syntropy, Self Souvereignty and Self Love.

This is a return to our innate natural knowing of how Life within us truly functions. Enjoined with a roadmap to re-member who we really are.

Through sharing from the three internal Schools of Syntropy, Sovereignty and Self Love a template is laid to assist everyone called in, to re-member who they really are.

This is deep and transformative work that exposes the corruption of mind programming and unveiling the hidden systems by which humanity has been manipulated to stay obedient, fearful, and in self-perpetuation of trauma.

From Love shining a bright light onto the veiled aspects of our current human culture.

Remembering Love easily exposes and illuminates humandamage also known as "wetiko", humanities' mind virus, and its many forms and ways that it keeps humanity lingering in the past of unresolved experiences.

Unresolved Humandamage keeps perpetuating this artificially induced state of humans not reclaiming their self Sovereign nature, but instead (out of fear and avoidance of retriggering already existing trauma) asking permission, and believing in external authorities and their power over them.

My sharings are in service to help free humans individually from their unresolved emotional imprinting by providing beauty full, Life supporting, comprehensions for the navigation of the internal landscape and the subsconscious/unconscious mind.

In grace and lovingkindness,



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