3 years ago

Introduction To Constitutional Conventions

Greetings Everyone, As the Globalists are Moving forward on their Sociopath Agenda . So have we been organizing and working to end their corrupt system with a Natural Law Republic and Project B "Building Sovereigns Communities "

The projects of networking and connecting like-minded people together locally has been very rewarding for many.

Communities don’t launch. They start small and grow organically, eventually turning into a movement.

Why do sovereigns build community? Because in the days of the earliest sovereigns, those who collaborated survived, and those who stayed alone died. As a result, our brains evolved to seek community, because it increased our chances of survival.
We have the same brain today. But for most of us in western civilization, surviving is no longer about fighting off predators or hunting for food, it’s about fighting the globalists.

You have a golden opportunity to build a community when you can identify a group of sovereigns with similar interests.

When we started Project B , we knew there were thousands of sovereigns who identified building a community but there was no central place for them to come together. They were isolated. So We launched Project B " Building a Community" to assist others to connect if they were interested.

We've created a space with the zoom meetings to meet, then with the email list to connect everyone in their local area. These sovereigns are taking the next steps to initiate meetings to discuss their plans. They felt supported, and many thriving communities have been formed.

Well organized sovereigns started things off!

Every community that exists today only exists because someone cared enough to make it happen. If you have that drive, nothing else really matters.
We like to thank all involved in your determination and amazing work that have started to build your communities.

The building of your community may have been more so on what the Globalists are doing each day to us all.

If we look at the big picture its something we all must of done years ago, and the globalists would of never been able to hatch their plan of the New World order.
It started with you and others by understanding the threat we all face and took the initiative. WE thank you

We wanted you to know You are Not alone and there has been Sovereigns in each community building a network throughout all nations.

I hope you all connect and many of you become leaders in your local community to organize as many other communities are doing!

Please contact us for the brochure to share and educate many more they are not alone.
We attached a link of some video you may interest you.
Also , there is a zoom , daily, please drop in give us your ideas, and also learn what others are doing.

We will end this madness when we are organized in every community.
We Look forward to Publish Your Video or Article Please email us info@constitutionalconventions.ca

​​​​​​Please share the video thank you

"it is the Duty of Sovereigns to Protect his Family, Friends, Land, Property and Nation from Unlawful and Illegal Corrupt de-facto Governments : Foreign and Domestic"
When you're ready to end the globalist parasites, there is a Solution


Creating a Natural Law Republic & Parts 1 -10

Here is the new link to our Telegram group. Please connect with us.

Constitutional conventions
You may email info@constitutionalconventions.ca

Information Hub to meet Sovereigns working On SOLUTIONS to End This Corruption - 5 - 10 Eastern Time, Daily https://zoom.us/j/6945489985

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