The January 6th Leftist Narrative of Ignorance.

3 years ago

For a great reference please read Glenn Greenwald's article:

(Note: Yes, if you're wondering, that is a picture of Muammar Gadafi, but it was perfect for a visual of utter stupidity.) During the Spring and Summer of 2020 during the George Floyd riots, BLM and Antifa protestors caused more than $2 billion of property destruction including looting, rioting (not "peaceful" protests) and entirely burning down small businesses. These nerds and losers were never called out and if they were arrested were quickly released due to radical DA's allowing them to go back and do their duty as useful idiots to the elites. Politicians, panderers, and leaders spent this entire last week in vigil, comparing January 6th to the likes of Pearl Harbor and 9/11. This is super offensive and there is little to no comparison. The corporate media is pushing this narrative hard while ignoring the loss of property and life during the George Floyd riots. The hypocrisy is simply animated hatred of anyone who disagrees.


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