Strategic Investor Productions Channel Page Welcome Video

3 years ago

Welcome to the Strategic Investor Productions Channel!

If you have any experience in marketing you've probably heard of a launch pad website which is basically a minimum viable product where you use your communities insight to focus your development going forward. Im using the same concept to start this channel.

This is a new channel that is going to be covering cryptocurrency, personal finance, macroeconomics, microeconomics, equities, real estate, fixed income, commodities, and forex.
We also have many ideas for types of content we’d enjoy creating so we’re probably going to just trying throwing several of them at the wall and see what sticks. We want to enjoy the process of creating content, but we also want it to be something the community enjoys and finds valuable so that sounds like the best way to figure out the right recipe.

A couple examples of the types of videos your likely to find on our channel are going to be concept videos where we try to explain different financial concepts in simple ways, spotlight videos where we find individuals companies or projects to do deep dive analytics on, Personal Finance tips where we talk about the right ways to interact with money and resources, technical analysis videos where we go through and look at some charts, and news videos where we take timely and relevant news stories and provide our perspective on the topics.

So now that you know about the channel you probably are wondering about the guy behind the voice. I got my start in finance with biotech many years back. Ever since then, the passion for finance, economics, and investing has continued to grow and Its got to the point I spend the majority of my day in the domain.

They say you’re a product of the 5 people you spend the most time around so I want to surround myself with a community of thousands of intelligence and ambitious individuals that can help me become a better person and become better at what I do. Building a YouTube Chanel will allow me to do this while still being able to engage in my passion.

Im not sure how this processes will turn out but it sounds like something worth trying. Hopefully we can provide value and entertainment to the community and we would love it if you subscribed to the channel and hit the bell icon to turn on notifications. Liking and commenting on our videos will really help with the YouTube Algorithm also so we would really appreciate that. We are noobs at YouTube so wed also would love to hear constructive opinions from our community on how we can become better or about things we may be doing well.

Thanks again for stoping by and for your patience as we learn how to bring our YouTube content to you in better ways. Have a wonder day!

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