Gog and Magog

3 years ago

It is very evident that this generation is witnessing the End Time. Many of our people have gone home to be with the Lord with the Hope of the Return of Jesus Christ. They lived and looked for the Imminent return of the Lord. They had every right to believe and look for that Great Day. The signs they saw during that era were very important and pointed to the Soon Return of Jesus Christ. They left this world with that great revelation and hope of the soon return of Christ. All of us who are privileged to be alive today have that same hope as our forefathers had and even more so as we see the signs of the end happening before our eyes.
Today the great question is this the very end signs before the Return of Jesus Christ? Many are wondering if Russia will have any part to play in the last days. The answer is a resounding “yes.” We find the answer in Ezekiel 38-39.And that is where I begin today’s teaching.
I am going to begin with the re-birth of Israel in Ezekiel 37

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