It is Time For Collusion and Conspiracy to Commit Murder Charges Be Filed Against Pfizer et al

3 years ago

Dr. Naomi Wolfe: "The fact that people like Rochelle Wolensky, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Collins... said 'safe and effective.' This is criminal charges. This could be conspiracy for murder, and [Edward Dowd] said the media could be accessories to murder."

Definition of Collusion:

"Collusion is a non-competitive, secret, and sometimes illegal agreement between rivals which attempts to disrupt the market's equilibrium. The act of collusion involves people or companies which would typically compete against one another, but who conspire to work together to gain an unfair market advantage."

With the release of the latest 38 page Pfizer Adverse Effects to the vaccines 'confidential' report and the latest news that Joe Biden bribed off mainstream media to support, promote and advertise the Pfizer vaccines and then DO NOT criticize the negative news on them is creating an illusion that Big Pharma, the Government (Biden in the USA and Trudeau in Canada) and mainstream media colluded to promote the vaccines, but did not report on any of the negative associated with the vaccines failing and not working effectively for the people of North America. With that said, I believe that it is time to launch a class action lawsuit against Big Pharma, the mainstream media and the various government's who have been 'in bed together' selling horrible and dealy vaccines to unsuspecting citizens of North America.

Related video and channels:

Dr. Naomi Wolf: "This Could Be Conspiracy for Murder"
The Vigilant Fox

Kanekoa The Great @Rumble

Related link:

Pfizer Adverse Effects Documents

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