Putin Sends Top Assassins After Ukraine’s President, 3806

3 years ago

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Good morning, I’m still reporting on the coup.

Part of this worldwide coup against freedom was the deal between China and Russia – the absence of forceful American leadership - to begin carving up the world.

The deal is that Putin gets not only the geographic security of the largest nation in Europe, but the vast natural resources of Ukraine as well – and China gets Taiwan.

But even with China Joe in the White House, Vlad Putin is having trouble with his conquest of his neighbor. Mainly because of the heroic stubbornness of Ukranian attorney-turned TV comedian, Vladimir Zelenskyy.

Just a few words about Zelenskyy’s history, because Putin has now dispatched his favorite set of assassins to kill Zelenskyy, and we don’t want his story to be erased before our audience understands his historical importance.

After graduating law school at Kyiv National Economic University, Zelenskyy took a sharp right turn into producing his own TV comedy series called “Servant of the People.” He played the lead role, portraying the President of Ukraine. The show aired from 2015 to 2019 and was immensely popular as a symbol of deep Ukrainian desires to fully exit the shadow of the old Soviet Union and fully mature into a freedom-loving Western Republic.

In 2019, Zelenskyy ran in the Ukrainian Presidential election against then-President Petro Poroshenko. He stunned his nation – and Putin – by winning a massive 73.2% victory and was sworn in at tender age 41. He quickly moved his nation towards an e-government and favors communicating with his nation via social media.

He also moved to end Ukraine’s protracted conflict with Russia by offering to engage in dialogue with Putin, but Putin ignored these peaceful advances as he already had his fully eyes set on a full takeover of Ukraine.

Backed into a corner, Zelensky attempted to calm his nation by calling for security guarantees and even military support from NATO.

That gave Putin his final excuse to launch a full-fledged military invasion. Putin’s claim that he feared the placement of nuclear-tipped medium-ranged ballistic missiles 100 miles from his border are purely mythical as not a single nation in Europe has ever shown the slightest inclination of invading Russia.

Nope, in this conflict, it is very clear – Zelenskyy – good guy – Putin – bad guy.

Heroically, Zelenskyy has vowed to stay in Ukraine to lead the fight, and has stubbornly eluded capture, turning up for occasional proof-of-life reports in cell cellphone videos. For this, alone, Zelenskyy deserves a gold-plated Nobel prize.

But now, ominous news of the most dangerous death squad in Putin’s arsenal with the deceptively western name – the Wagner Group - is hot on Zelenskyy’s trail. The Wagner Group is a private assassination squad comprised of more than 400 mercenaries from around the world. They are reportedly all highly paid and have been prowling around Ukraine’s capitol of Kyiv for the last 5 weeks, according to the Times of London.

The hit list the Wagner Group has been given is said to include Zelenskyy, his family, the entire Ukrainian Cabinet, the mayor of Kyiv and his brother. This would decapitate the leadership and allow Putin to install a puppet government and simply declare victory. The world’s media would soon abandon the story and Putin’s forces could go on quietly killing off any additional Ukrainian patriots who would then stand up and be counted.

It doesn’t take much to be targeted by Russian soldiers.
Meet Anastasiia Yalanskaya.


She was killed yesterday, just outside Kyiv,
delivering supplies to a dog shelter that was
without food for 3 days
The car she was in was targeted at close range
Yalanskaya stayed behind in Kyiv to volunteer
as everyone fled around her.

Ukraine watcher Tim Mak reported on the Wagner assassins last week on Twitter:

And that is why the streets of Kyiv have been on total lockdown as of yesterday. According to the Ukranian Ministry of Internal Affairs:

“All civilians who will be on the street during the curfew will be considered members of the enemy’s sabotage and reconnaissance groups….”

According to a report in BizpacReview:

“A senior U.S. defense official told reporters on Monday that there are, indeed, reconnaissance forces in Kyiv but he could not verify that those forces were ordered to assassinate Zelenskyy.”

And for those of you who might still be wondering whether Putin had any sort of humanity left in him, here is the kicker. The founder of the Wagner Group is Dmitry Utkin, a former officer in the Russian military’s intelligency agency, the GRU,. We could only find two pictures of him. Here he is in 1999, while serving in the Russian military.


and here is a recent picture showing him with Nazi insignia tattooed above his collar bones. According to Sir Richard Barrons, a former commander of Joint Forces Command, as quoted in The Daily Mail, paying the Wagner Group – essentially a 400-man assassination squad:

“… ostensibly supplies Putin with plausible deniability if Zelenskyy is assassinated. The use of a nerve agent or some other lethal form of poison that is non-traceable would also provide cover for Putin.”

Yesterday morning, Zelenskyy, in a scheduled Zoom call with members of the U.S. Congress, blamed Biden’s weakness for the Russian invasion. According to a Senate source quoted by the New York Post:

“If you had started sanctions months ago, there would not have been war.”

However, Biden refused to impose sanctions early on, and has yet to impose the most crippling one – a complete ban on U.S. purchases of Russian oil, thereby providing Putin with an ongoing allowance of $74 per day to pursue war on Ukraine.

According to Fox News, Senator Josh Hawley said on Saturday’s Zoom call:

“He said repeatedly that an embargo on Russia, and particularly their oil and natural gas, was absolutely critical….”

However, the Ukrainian resistance is still so effective that Russia’s invasion may be stalling out.

Today it was announced that Russian General Viktor Gulevich, the deputy minister of defense for Belarus, has submitted his resignation, citing the fact that his troops refused to take part in the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The Russian forces that are today on the outskirts of Ukraine’s capitol city, Keiv, launched out of Belarus.

Gen. Gulevich was recently sanctioned by the UK for his role in the invasion of Ukraine. In the announcement of the sanctions, the UK Foreign Office said:

“Gulevich is responsible for directing the actions of the Belarusian armed forces, which have supported and enabled the Russian invasion of Ukraine.”

This morning in the Washington Examiner, Sen. Marco Rubio, Vice-Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, opined that Putin is in a costly war he cannot win:

"You see a person that’s now engaged himself in a conflict that he can’t win.… [He is] either going to have a costly military victory followed by a costly occupation that he can’t afford, or he’s going to get caught in a long-term military quagmire at the same time as he’s facing a second front with an economy in free fall in his own country."

But out of sheer spite, and desperation, Putin is now devastating Ukraine’s civilian population, by hitting apartment buildings, and even attacking unarmed civilians trying to evacuate devasted cities trying to flee across the smaller roads and bridges remaining.

Back on the Russian home front, today, police arrested more than 3,000 Russians protesting the invasion of Ukraine. These people will face years of imprisonment as a result of their protests. The arrests came across 49 Russian cities. It is the highest one-day arrest total in memory.

Thousands of Russians have fled the country in the last 10 days, as their savings have evaporated amid the collapse of the Russian Ruble.

According to the New York Times, Anton Dolin, one of Russia’s best-known film critics wrote earlier today after escaping Russia:

“We are suffering a catastrophe — no, not an economic or political one. This is a moral catastrophe.”

But how does the U.S. President respond? He’s too busy at his home in Delaware this weekend trying to memorize his masters’ talking points for the coming week, including how to deal with 10,000 truckers who will clog the morning rush hour in Washington, D.C. tomorrow.

So, God bless Zelenskyy, and God bless the freedom fighters of Ukraine.

I’m still reporting from the citadel of world freedom, good day.

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