Sharing Word - A Question From The Lord

3 years ago

Hi brothers & sisters in Christ 😊

This morning the Lord dropped the question "What do you seek" in my spirit. Some of you might have prayed to God and said that you seek Him or want to seek more of Him, and yet you haven't put actions behind that prayer. Either because you are not aware that you are to apply action or perhaps because you keep becoming distracted. The word seek means: attempt to find something, attempt to obtain or achieve, and also to go to.

Luke 10:27 says to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. Seeking God does not mean to just verbalise you want to seek Him, but it also means to make attempts such as making Him the priority in your thoughts, your words and your actions. Seeking is an act, a verb, an action.

What areas in your life are you not seeking God in? Is He at the centre of everything you do, say and think? It is good for us to reflect and examine our hearts and minds sometimes so that we can get back on track if we have dropped the ball at some point 😊.

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Be blessed 😊


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