Singularity Now: Immortality within reach of the poor

3 years ago

Billionaires are spending heavily on achieving immortality for themselves through a merging of biology with computer technology.

This coming “singularity” will allow the very bright, super-rich, White men to extend their conscious life whilst enhancing their intelligence a thousand fold.

Because intelligent rich men want to keep on enjoying their privileges forever, they seek to avoid death.

These rich men believe in “self-directed evolution” by which they may become as gods.

We wish them a lot of success.

But what about us who remain average, poor and without privilege? Is there any hope for us? Or must we grovel in poverty, ignorance and sickness, till we die?

Let us look at seven biblical descriptors of singularity with immortality for the poor, already within our reach.

1. Jesus the Messiah announced the singularity two millennia ago:

Gospel of John 5:24

This led Jesus’ appointed apostles to explain further how the poor can possess immortality.

2. The Apostle Paul explained how to acquire immortality:

Letter to the Romans 2:6-7

3. The Apostle Peter explained how to merge into singularity:

Second Letter of Peter 1:4

4. The Apostle John explained the goal of singularity:

First Letter of John 5:11-12

5. The Apostle James explained the character of expanded intelligence:

Letter of James 3:17-18

6. The Apostle Jude explained how to activate singularity:

Letter of Jude 1:20-21

7. The Book of Revelation explains the merging of humanity with God.

Book of Revelation 21:3

In summary, the New Testament of the Holy Bible affirms:

"You are all one in Christ Jesus." Letter to the Galatians 3:26-27

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