Its irrational to send Our sons to War with Ukraine

3 years ago

We seem to be inching closer and closer to a war with Russia over Ukraine. No one in our government offers much of an explanation as to why we should do battle with Putin and his military over a country that many Americans couldn’t find on a map, much less care a rap about. The extent of our government’s rationale to fight yet another war thousands of miles from home and on the Russian doorstep seems to be nothing other than “Putin Bad.”

Franco. Mussolini. Stalin. Hitler. Castro. Mao Ze Dong. Pol Pot.

The 20th century was full of dictatorships which reached new heights of cruelty and butchery never imagined in centuries prior. Unfortunately, this cruelty flies in the face of the American belief that progress is undeniable and a decidedly positive force in human history.

How did we ever come to the assumption that society progresses as it moves along? Why do we view our predecessors and forefathers as morally inferior to ourselves in this supposedly enlightened age?

Lest we think this is a mindset only afflicting today’s younger generations, let's take a look at G. K. Chesterton's The Everlasting Man. Published in 1925, the book was a rebuttal to H. G. Wells’ The Outline of History.

'If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stomping on a human face - forever" 1984

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