Welcome! We Are So Happy To Have You Join Us...

3 years ago

Hi Beautiful BOLD EXISTENCE Community 😊!

We are very excited to have you join us here on "Wellness at BOLD EXISTENCE" Youtube Channel. Here you will find wellness videos to help you reach greater heights on your health and wellness journey. We as the Wellness Coaches at BOLD EXISTENCE, pull from our vast years of experience and knowledge in our different fields to help you live the best life you can by being better equipped with knowledge and understanding. And yes, we do focus on Jesus while we focus on our health and wellness. So if you are keen, then click the "Subscribe" and "Notifications" (bell symbol) on this channel to be kept in the loop as to when new videos are posted.

We have a separate mailing list for wellness, so if you wish to join our mailing list to receive tips on your health, then you can sign up at the link below:


Have a fantastic day 😎!

Adele, Candace & Mike
(Your Wellness Coaches at BOLD EXISTENCE 😉)

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