Truth Broadcast #7 Part 6 *{3/5/22}* Q, Dr. Death, God's Plan, Revelation & COV-I.D. 19 Injections †

3 years ago

All Glory to God †

After banishing Satan, the beast and false prophet from Earth and having the King of kings here for 1,000 years, begin imagining how quickly we will create heavenly realities on earth during His Millennial Reign †

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The Unveiling : Satan's minions : graphene oxide : Stew Peters †

Footage from 5g tower at Astroworld and deaths †

The Jose Gonzales Song video †

Remdesivir and Dr. Death Fauci unmasked by Bryan Ardis:

Cyber Symposium Christian Testimonies †

Freedom Force Battalion Melissa Red Pill the World on Ezra †

Flynn on Election fraud from the Health and Freedom Conference †

Rittenhouse: good first step in publicly unveiling justice †
-Addressing with BLM and ANTIFA: upholding our right to defend ourselves and our property †

Q: Quelle source of biblical truth †

Q team cut off the head of the snake and fired everyone then replaced them at the highest levels, the old world order was an iceberg under the ocean and the public was only aware of the top part of the iceberg sticking out of the water and power flowed downward to the pits of hell †

The mid level cabal minions who have been corrupt and have done anything for money and power are playing their role in the movie, the highest levels above them are now Patriots and Christians who have been elevated into those positions of power and influence and everything that is happening within these structures is being tracked to bring justice, accountability and global awakening ✝️

Satan wants death and destruction for God’s creation while stealing God’s children away from Him †

How do you liberate humanity with the fewest casualties, when Satan’s minions have set up traps of all types in multiple dimensions to cause chaos?

The battle of Armageddon, Christians bringing down Babylon in the name of Jesus ✝️

Why has Trump pushed the experimental injections?

Deep dive: Rothschild Island off the coast of Antarctica > fallen angels > reptilians > Genesis Eden serpent > Revelation dragon > Ice station zebra > Operation High Jump > Operation Paperclip > MKUltra > where did the 4th Reich hide?

Argentina is near enough to what has been beneath the ice in Antarctica > go deeper > trauma based mind control and the CIA > Gates of Hell conspire to shut off the V-MAT 2 gene > “God gene” AstraZeneca “I can’t feel my soul, God is dead, they killed God” > micro chips > if this technology exists > wouldn’t it have been rolled out in the DUMBS for many decades?

End time sleepers = an army of MKUltra programmed humans enslaved by the Nephilim and released back onto the surface to program humanity to be obedient and to be used in the battle of Armageddon > they don’t even know they’ve been broken and programmed because the psyche splits in reptilian = demonic = NAZI trauma based MKULTRA mind control > this has been happening for over 100 years > a factory of mind controlled slaves > tens of millions > hundreds of millions?

How do you deprogram them?

Why do they want you chipped?

So the AI can listen to and aggregate your thoughts : if the CIA could use an mRNA injection to turn off the V-MAT 2 gene > mRNA could be used by the Alliance to turn it back on and reconnect the end time sleeper army to God > where does mRNA come from?

If mRNA injections can trick your body through a Trojan Horse mechanism into creating the spike protein from the chimeric derivative gain of function bioweapon research from the P4 virology lab in Wuhan < surely it could be used to turn back on or even enhance the expression of the “God gene” and would serve a huge role in allowing humanity to deprogram from the prison of the mind and spirit †

Just like the Corona Kill box being taken out August 30th, 2018 > HUAWEI being shut down in 2020 for 60GHZ suffocation technology = the Q Alliance was 5 steps ahead of the deep state via WarpSpeed: both preventing mandatory vaccines via EUA and switching out the mRNA that destroys the human immune system with an mRNA that reconnects you to our Heavenly Father and allows us to experience the truth of the gospel of Christ Jesus ✝️

Look at the Waukesha Christmas parade = this is what end time sleepers have been programmed to do > destroy & kill > this is a clear example that it’s not the item used to kill : it’s the person that does it > what are we going to do ban cars because you can kill with them?

If anything, get the shoot em up and run em over video games off of our shelves and especially away from kids †

God wins because he has “sleepers” everywhere > “end times sleepers” is the cabal's attempt to do what Jesus did to Saul on a large scale †

God wins because instead of having to use the fear and torture in MKUltra trauma based mind control, He uses the love and power of His Holy Spirit ✝️

What can you do to create a home church?

Once the majority are mask free this indicates the awakening is complete and Trump will return as president of our Restored Republic ⏳

“Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?” – Morpheus

“Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.” – Morpheus

5. “This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill – you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.” – Morpheus

“The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you’re inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy.” – Morpheus

God bless you, your family, our nation and our earth †

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