V2V2021 DAY 1: Riana Milne Part 1 "Adverse Childhood Events That Sabotage Us in Life"

2 years ago

Riana Milne is a global Certified Life, Love Trauma Recovery & Mindset Coach, a Cert. Clinical Trauma Professional, a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, a Certified Mindfulness Coach, Licensed & Certified Addictions Professional, and an Interfaith Minister who has had her company, Therapy by the Sea, for over 21 years. She is also a best-selling author. Riana has been featured recently in both Forbes and Insider Wealth. She was named as one of the top 10 coaches to watch for in 2022 by Insider Wealth magazine.

For more information about Riana and her work, visit rianamilne.com

This was an interview for:
The Victim to Victorious Summit
December 6-26, 2021

With host:
Niikki Lyn Pugh, MFA, INHC
aka "The Gentle Healthy Traveler"

Interested in gaining FOREVER ACCESS to all 44 V2V interviews as well as audio downloads, written transcripts, a workbook, and much more? Visit www.victim2victorious.live/thank-you to sign up for V2V VIP !


Visit www.thegentletraveler.com for more information about 1 on 1 coaching, amazing membership deals via Patreon, and more from Health and Stress coach Nikki Lyn Pugh, MFA, INHC, aka The Gentle Healthy Traveler!

Blessings, Light and Love! :)

Also see this interview on YouTube at https://youtu.be/3luT1K-jH-c

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