What actually happened at Freedom Convoy 2022 (CANADA)

3 years ago

Justin invoked the never-used Emergencies Act on them. The situation must meet a high bar, specifically an "urgent and critical situation" that "seriously endangers the lives, health or safety of Canadians". If the emergency cannot be addressed by any existing federal law and if it exceeds the capacity of the provinces to handle it effectively. Up to date, he has NOT stepped out to have a dialogue with them. The situation must be considered a threat to the security of Canada, as defined by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act. Four possible scenarios:

- Espionage or sabotage
- Foreign-influenced activities
- Threats or use of acts of serious violence for political, religious or ideological objectives
- Covert, unlawful acts intended to undermine or overthrow the constitutionally established government

To invoke the law, the prime minister must also consult with the premiers of any impacted provinces before putting the move before Parliament. If the act does not pass a vote there, the proclamation will be revoked.

No, the Emergencies Act has never been applied. The law was considered in the early days of the pandemic under the public welfare category but was ultimately ruled unnecessary.

(extracted from https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-60381096)

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