Love, Tough Times, and The Bright Side of Life - Late Night Love 92

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As we struggle with tough times It can be hard to find the bright side of life, especially for those of us on journeys with mental or emotional health issues like anxiety or depression. Finding those bright spots or silver linings is like like using a walking stick. They can help us maintain balance, transfer strength from one part of ourselves to another. Despite our struggles with friendship and love, life without them is not much of a life at all.

parents: Don’t just tell your kids not to ‘stare’ at mine
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Why do they say the subconscious mind only understand symbol and language? How is this true when clearly we can understand everything?
What can I do when my husband and I have been forced into taking care of his 87 year old mother who can't be left alone but my husband's family is criticizing me, saying I'm not doing a good enough job and that their mom and dogs should come first?
If programming is so easy, why are there so many unfilled jobs?
What is something that you swear happened but you have no proof and nobody believes you?
What types of bad parenting do kids usually never recover from?
My daughter is allowing her stepmother to call herself my grandchild’s grandmother. It’s hurtful! What should I do?
Am I a bad mother for retiring abroad and abandoning my children and grandchildren?
Good looks are generally rewarded by society. What are some unique social obstacles faced by only good looking people?
I just found out my 16 year old daughter is pregnant. She's keeping the baby. What advice would you give me, as her mother, on handling this situation? I am open to all advice. What are your words of wisdom?

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