Wokey Blokey Hokey Cokey

3 years ago

Wokey blokey hokey cokey

You take your brain right out
Shake it all about
Remove all analysis
And merely rant and shout
Block all disagreements
So you only hear one side
Follow with a calling out

Oh the wokey blokey
Oh the wokey blokey
Oh the wokey blokey
That’s what it’s all about

I’m a straight white man
But I do what I can
To spread around misogyny
You know that is the plan
I’ll say men can be women
Even though I know they can’t
And I’ll say it with my face dead pan

Oh the wokey blokey
Oh the wokey blokey
Oh the wokey blokey
That’s what it’s all about

I call women names
And shoot them down in flames
About men in women’s spaces
Who have abhorrent aims
I’ll say it never happens
Even when I know it does
And I’ll refuse all counter claims

Oh the wokey blokey
Oh the wokey blokey
Oh the wokey blokey
That’s what it’s all about

I make it all about men
And do it time and time again
And I’ll call in my brothers
Every now and then
We must control the convo
And make it about us
That’s what it’s all about

Oh the wokey blokey
Oh the wokey blokey
Oh the wokey blokey
That’s what it’s all about

Watch them do the wokey blokey hokey cokey
Watch them do the wokey blokey hokey cokey
Watch them do the wokey blokey hokey cokey
That’s what it’s all about Woke bloke hoke coke rah rah rah

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