GoldSeek Radio -- Bill Murphy: Best opportunity of a lifetime to secure a financial insurance

3 years ago

Bill Murphy from, rejoins Radio on the heels positive moves in the PMs sector. The duo discuss similarities with current geopolitical events and market action with an old Wall Street adage , “When goods don’t cross borders, soldiers will” attributed to the 19th century French Liberal economist Frederic Bastiat (
Our guest outlines an intriguing hypothesis; a certain investment bank has cornered the silver market and could soon lose it's grip on the highly inelastic, highly dynamic currency. The thought conjures images an intercontinental hypersonic missile, unleased deep underwater by a submarine, exploding from a calm ocean surface into the stratosphere before anyone recognizes what occurred. Might this lead to limit-up days in the silver market, similar to the recent limit-up action in the wheat, crude oil and related markets?

Meanwhile, crude oil, formerly under $30 per barrel is suddenly topping $115, increasing inflation concerns as well as operating costs. The highly energy intensive gold mining business will pass along such costs in the final product, gold and silver bullion, increasing the market price. Plus, geopolitical risks will soon divert trillions of dollars into hard assets, such as real estate, and the relatively tiny PMs sector, as the preference for tangible over paper assets increases demand. Higher demand and dwindling supply is the perfect storm for explosive price gains in any market.

Given the bevy of potential risk on the investing horizon, might this be the best opportunity of a lifetime to secure a financial insurance policy, to wit, gold and silver?

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