Breakdown (Truck Driving Music Video)

3 years ago

One Scary Day on The Road for me..

Breakdown. Traveling back from central Minnesota via 23 west..3/4/ 9:30 AM…turning onto the ramp to get north bound on I35w, been driving since 2:30 AM..There is a guy standing on the ramp behind a small car. He flags me to the side pointing at my left front steering tire. I wind my window down and he says “…Your tire is going to blow park the rig” I get out and inspect the tire, it is going flat fast, it is so hot I cannot even put a hand on it. I turn to thank him and he and the tiny car are gone?!

When a steering tire goes to pieces on a big truck at high speed it is very dangerous. Not only the propensity for an accident but the shrapnel will cause extensive damage to the truck and surrounding cars, including taking out windshields. Injuries could be severe for me and others.

I think I know where this guy was from and am very thankful for praying each time I go on an adventure.

Had to make a music video…hope my friends enjoy.

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